Insights 26 December 2023

Life insurance product comparison 

Augmentation Tarif assurance

Life insurance and Individual Retirement Savings Plans [PER] are among the most used solutions in France for managing one’s wealth and preparing for retirement, not to mention financing the needs of Long-Term-Care spendings.

 As of the end of 2022, the assets under management in life insurance reached €1,790 billion, remaining stable compared to 2021. The assets under management for individual PERs reached €124.8 billion, showing an increase of 12% compared to 2012.

Yakoota conducted a study on the impact of the recent rise in interest rates, reshaping the landscape for both insurers. These significant changes in “customer value” affirm Yakoota’s approach of not solely comparing insurance contracts based on price or fees to make the best choice for an insurance contract. Especially for long-term contracts such as life or retirement insurance, Yakoota advises taking your time to choose your insurance contract.

For more details, please contact us.

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